Monday 25 February 2019

OUGD505 - Briefing

Deadline May 8th.

Studio Brief 1:
Research and create a map using a medium of your choice, however, screenprinting must be used for one element?!!!!

My initial thoughts on this brief are that I really don't want to be screen printing due to the tired nature of the medium and the fact that we were forced to use it last year as well. I think I have more idea of the potential medium than the context of the mapping at this moment. Something sculptural or digital would be really nice, basically stepping as far away from traditional mapping as possible to liven up the brief a bit and definitely not using screen printing or only using it to tick boxes if necessary.

Studio Brief 2:

Producing a body of research that considers the role of a contemporary graphic designer, responding to social, ethical and political responsibilities.

Using a range of primary and secondary sources for creative development.

Leading to a body of practical work informed by your research e.g. poster series/manifesto, publication, web design/video/animation, branding and merchandise, real-world ephemera (currency, installation/exhibition/wayfinding.

My mind is fairly blank for now when considering potential contexts for brief 2 but some targetted research should help this. It is tempting to work on an environmental issue of course as they are ever topical.

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