Thursday 21 February 2019

D&AD competition briefs

Today I have been looking through various D&AD briefs that I think have potential for collaboration. Having initially, by large, written off the competition due to its leaning towards creative advertising, I now see that these will be relatively straight forward collaborative projects to offset more interesting work for submission. I have selected 5 for consideration and will start to look for suitable collaborators over the next week or so:
Deadline: 20 March 2019, 5pm GMT

1) Brief set by giffgaff
Storytelling is a powerful thing. How can you use it to give giffgaff a voice?
giffgaff is a mobile network run by its members. They’re all about community, decency and all the best things about a mobile network. For example, they don’t do contracts, so people only stay with them because they want to. Not because they’re forced to.
Because they’re a member-run brand, they’re pretty cheap too. No call centres. And no shops. The savings are passed straight back to their members who are rewarded for keeping giffgaff’s services running.
Their strapline is ‘giffgaff - the mobile network run by you’. 
People may know the line. Yet no-one really knows what their brand stands for. So that’s where you come in. 
Create a copy-led campaign that celebrates giffgaff’s story and what makes them unique. Your campaign should: be digitally led and be written to excite, engage and intrigue an audience about the brand.
This brief is all about storytelling. How can you bring this idea to every single piece of copy needed?

I could get behind this brief because I do believe that giffgaff is an ethically run company that deserves to be advertised well as they at least make out that their interests are entirely monitary. The focus of this brief isn't really aimed at a graphic designer at all so collaboration with a creative ad student would be essential. Also looking at giffgaffs previous work they often use illustrations, it could be interesting to try and steer them away from this or collaborate with an illustration student.  

2) Brief set by Workplace by Facebook 
How can Workplace by Facebook champion community and collaboration in the global workplace? 

The way we work is changing. People are working more flexibly. Companies are working across different countries. Teams need to engage across oceans, across time zones, and around individuals’ needs. 
Workplace by Facebook provides the space that brings those needs together and builds community within a company. 
It uses familiar features like posts, groups, instant messaging, and video calls so people can work better, smarter and faster together. You can drive employee engagement, boost productivity, and transform your company into a community. 
What’s the challenge? 
There are lots of online working platforms, and they often feel more focused on the tech than the human aspect. But Workplace by Facebook lets you be where you want to be. It works around you. So, how can you show that it’s different? 
Create an integrated campaign that: celebrates, and informs people about, the benefits of Workplace by Facebook and brings together a global community to work with each other. Workplace by Facebook takes everything that’s amazing about Facebook and makes it work for the workforce. 

I see this brief as having potential purely due to the ethic is trying to promote. Collaborating on a brief for a platform that promotes connectivity would be a powerful point of reference. It would be nice, albeit time-consuming, to collaborate with as many diverse creatives as possible on this brief, possibly even using Facebook features that already exist such as video call to contact creatives in other parts of the country or abroad. As its quite a broad identity request the skill sets required are very open to interpretation however I feel I would be well placed as a graphic designer, possibly alongside creative ad, to complete the brief.

3) Brief set by D&AD
Show us your side hustle

Last year D&AD New Blood launched Side Hustle as a brand new category to find the next generation of entrepreneurial spirit and unstoppable attitude. This year we’re back, and on the hunt for even more outstanding creative talent that is kicking their creative plans into action. 
Side Hustle is all about the people who make shit happen. So D&AD want you to show them your brand new, fresh ideas that you’re not just hiding in the corner of your portfolio but that you’ve made a reality.
We want to see your side hustle.
This can be anything with a creative idea at the heart of it – a product, an app, an event, a start-up company, whatever it is we want to hear about it.
There’s a whole host of inspirational projects out there, just take a look at some of last year’s winners. We saw some fantastic projects, from magazines, to online ad schools, to a project tackling rising sea levels, and this year we want to see even more. 
What We’re Looking For
Innovation, bravery, an entrepreneurial spirit and an unstoppable attitude. This brief isn’t about craft, we don’t just want to see blogs or brand identities. We want to see your project that you made happen and is unlike anything else. 
We also want to know how you got there, what the results are, how many people you reached – what was the real value of putting your idea into action?
Has your Side Hustle become your main hustle? Fantastic, we want to meet you too – just check you match our eligibility criteria. 

This is a very exciting opportunity due to its limitless nature, with no restrictions placed on the outcomes. The idea of pushing a passion project for over the next few weeks with a collaborator is very appealing but also would entail a vast amount of work to be competitive. I also don't have any ideas or collaborators that immediately spring to mind, making this a very tall order to tackle. However, if something springs up over the next few weeks then I should definitely have the drive to implement it.  

4) Brief set by BBC
How can the new habits for our on-demand, multi-platform world influence, shape and develop BBC Sounds’ offering?

BBC Sounds bring together the BBC’s live and on-demand radio, music and podcasts into a single personalised experience.
It’s designed to learn from your listening habits. It provides one-tap access to the latest episodes of your favourite BBC podcasts and radio shows. It introduces you to new audio from the 80,000 hours available that you wouldn’t otherwise have discovered.
Every user’s experience of BBC Sounds will, therefore, be unique.
What’s the challenge?
Radio used to be the medium people based their routine around: wake up, breakfast, in the car, etc. Now content comes to you, rather than you going to it. You can now talk to technology, wear it, and carry it around with you. 
Using BBC Sounds’ latest launch as your springboard, develop their current offering. Your solution should:
investigate how the target audience’s habitual behaviours could influence, shape and develop BBC Sounds for 16 to 35 year olds.
use the app and responsive site to inform your response, if you like, but also consider how these could extend beyond the current scope. For example, influence in-car experiences, or through a voice device, or on a watch?

This project might be about tech, but it’s not just for digital thinkers. It’s about human-centred design, and how developments in technology can enable this. 

This brief intrigues me as it an opportunity to continue the digital craft element of my study in Rotterdam by collaborating with a digital technicial. Contextually this is also an interesting brief as I use BBC sound and am in the target audience age so would have a good knowledge of the usability aspects. With regards to traditional graphic design, it is a little hard to see where that would fit in as the app has already very recently received its identity.  

5) Brief set by Monotype
Use type to celebrate a community
Communities have traditionally been defined by geographical borders, but the way we identify community is ever changing.
There is a whole host of different types of communities out there. These generally fit under five different headings: interest, action, place, practice and circumstance.
What’s the challenge?
Language is often strongly engrained in the nature of a community from the language we speak to how and where we communicate. How could this translate across to typography becoming an identifier for community as well? 
Create a typography-led integrated graphic design campaign that:
uses type to celebrate a community of your choice (maybe your own?) and showcase what makes it unique
explores communities beyond the usual expectations. Such as online communities, those with shared interests, groups trying to bring about change or even communities brought together by circumstance. It’s up to you.

This is by far the most relevant brief available and the only one that really is made for graphic designers. There is also a vast potential to make typography the focus for my essay for brief 2. With regards to collaborators, it would once again be with Charlie who I am considering applying for typomania with also. I think our skill seta as typographers and architects would give a more than adequate understanding of form and semiotics allowing for a strong submission. 

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