Tuesday 26 February 2019

Exchange discussion/crit

Today I met with exchange students and Dom to discuss our progress on 506 so far. This was a very needed meeting to gauge how much work I actually have to do and gain some feedback on the limited work I have completed to date.

I started by showing the typeface I have created for Kitty, which in general received a good reception and the project sparked intrigue, confirming this is a worthwhile project to be collaborating on. I showed and explained the coding within the type which received peer approval as being a good essay topic. However, it was pointed out that perhaps the difference between the changeable characters wasn't pronounced enough, a point that I do agree with and one that needs to be addressed with kitty in a meeting asap.

With regards to the typomania vs monotype brief discussion, I received advice that it would probably be more achievable to complete the monotype brief due to the skill sets available to me in my collaboration. I agree with this logic, however, I still need to pin down Charlie and work out exactly what the vision is in the next few days.

I also brought up my desire to work with a fashion designer and discussed my potential lead with a uni of student, a point that was encouraged by Dom. Giving me the impression that it is hard to know exactly how much work to deliver for this brief. I also suspect that my contact might fall through as Rose is very busy at the moment with deadlines. I should definitely look elsewhere to find a realistic collaborator.

Looking at other students work it appears that my peers are more focusing on doing one or maybe two fairly large briefs to fulfil the deliverables, which is a very valid way of doing it. However, I would rather have multiple smaller pieces of work really as this would be a more personally satisfying outcome.

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