Thursday 26 April 2018

Crit feedback

Today we had a 2-hour long group crit, giving a chance for me to receive guidance and advice on my work so far and look to the future of development in each area and my possible object. Also, there was an opportunity to see what others are doing and gain some inspiration through that, however, no one in my crit group was doing a similar genre which was a shame.

These notes were taken as I explained my idea and received peer and Pat feedback:

The concepts I have recently set my sight on of apples and tape were both very well received by the group. One suggestion I really liked was the inclusion of apple style expiry date stickers that could be stuck both on physical apples and on the outside of my final tapes. The idea of destruction and obstruction was also given some carefully considered suggestions with the idea of getting old posters or J cards and then either ripping them up to be stuck back together or printed over the top of via screen printing. It was suggested that my final product be a crate of apples that are all bruised and broken and deformed then stuck back together. Also, someone has subsequently suggested I break up loads of apples and stick them back together to make one massive apple which would be a really nice installation piece. The concept of not using tape itself in the final product but instead just its negative space via screen printing was also suggested and that I could use old, non-cleaned screens to appropriate other peoples work and workings. However, I feel the complete absence of tape would maybe look too clean, but experimentation would help me decide on this. 

I feel like there is a lot for me to work on but I am really happy with the direction of the project so far.  

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