Monday 5 March 2018

Introduction to publication three

After the uncomfortable images gifs this morning we discussed the uncomfortable nature of the images we had brought in in our book binding groups. There were a number of different angles discussed based on Susan Sontag's 'regarding the pain of others'. Each group member selected one image to display and the then all of the images were ordered from most uncomfortable to least uncomfortable. This raises a number of questions around ethics as different scenarios were presented. The two main talking points were whether an image is contextually shocking or visually shocking. An example of this would be that everyone agreed an image of two gay people behind hung in Saudi Arabia was the contextually most shocking however in terms of visuals alone images of more relatable things such as a toe missing a toenail were deemed to be most shocking. This relates to chapter 7 in Sontag's book in which she talks about suffering in the media in far away lands becoming the new normal and issues far more relatable but not nearly as contextually bad striking more of a resonance with people in the western world. This is something I want to play on within my publication as focusing on the social and psychological ramifications of contrasting issues would be an interesting talking point. For example I could contrast modern day issues with those of the past or issues in the UK with ones in Syria etc. 

Example of the order for one of the questions

My original 5+ images: 

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