Wednesday 8 May 2019

Module evaluation

This module has at least in part been let down by slightly poor time management. I have still produced some well thought out and I believe well designed deliverables but its a big regret that I didn't get to physically produce any clothing for 505. This had been in my mind as an outcome to improve my sewing but unfortunately I just didn't get round to it. Its no excuse but I think this was in part down to the unfortunate placement of Easter and the hand in right after as I went home for a week and missed out on some crucial time to start sewing at uni. I will take this goal and try to achieve it at some point next year whether in a personal or collaborative capacity or as part of the briefs I write for level 6. It was also a shame to forget the stickers I printed at home but at least the concept to include them is documented within my booklet.

Overall its been a crazy year with Rotterdam and only 2 briefs in Leeds. I've felt like i've not really learnt much compared to first year with the long contact hours but have progressed personally and worked out my area of graphic design to a greater extent. I am looking forward to next year both in and out of uni.

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