Tuesday, 30 April 2019

505 2 Final crit

The final crit today proceeded as expected to a degree as I didn't feel a large amount of confidence in my preparation. I feel like this lack of prep didn't allow me to explain the concept as well as I could have done. The crit also gave some clarity as to what is required of me in the final week after a long while without feedback over Easter. I now have more of a grasp of exactly what I should be working on as I think I've been concentrating in equal measures on aesthetic and strength of concept. This has ended up with some fairly strong visuals but a bit of a confusing message. The example included in my booklet of the Margiela sock sweater is a beautiful piece of design but doesn't have a practical function with regards to solving the charity shop waste problem. I explained that this could also be a comment on the way we recycle clothing based on the exportation of underwear to Africa but this was not received well and it was pointed out the booklet would have very little use or practical application. I think reconsidering the tutorials within and making them more linked to clothing commonly recycled would make a lot more sense. There is definitely a lot of work to do over the next week but I think really refining the concept and making the mission clear is the next step.

Out of the 4 people in my crit, due to the unclear message and use of the booklet, none of the participants said they would pick it up in a local charity shop. This is a good statistic to have as I can measure my progress before next Wednesday via a follow-up study using another sample from the peers in the class.

Here are a few spreads from the booklet shown at crit

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