Thursday 3 May 2018

Group project - my input over the last few days

With the presentation scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, I felt it would be a perfect time to round up my input since my last blog post earlier in the week. I have felt far less instrumental within the group since our crit with Orlando, which is to be expected as my role on brand identity was transferred and there was no immediate role for me to fill. That has meant I haven't had one single focus for the rest of the week but have instead been working on multiple smaller tasks. These have included: wayfinding, floor plan and a social media gif. Despite this change in role, I feel I have adapted well and contributed to the group, however, I have perhaps not been as instrumental as I might have liked. 

On Wednesday I developed these wayfinding arrows, in keeping with our logotype, colours and overall brand identity. These would be cut out of vinyl and stuck where appropriate such as internal or external walls and the floor. However, the drop in wasn't available on Wednesday so unfortunately, they will have to remain a concept for now. There was also consideration put into a new set of pictograms to accompany the way-finders but it was decided that there wouldn't be enough demand for pictograms within our simplistic aesthetic. The accent colour of blue and red could be used to differentiate between directions of movement e.g. in and out and could be used psychologically to subtly affect the speed at which people progress around.   

I also helped to develop this floor plan which was initially started by Ellie and Lee. I scouted out the fine art exhibition for research so was best placed to give a more detailed update to the original floor plan regarding the actual dimensions of the room and how everything would fit. The final plan features colour codes element with a key to show what they represent. We would have tapes set out on shelves in the first room in the style of Darwin's evolution tree diagrams. Each genre would be grouped via its overarching genre e.g. rock, electronic, house etc. Viewers would then be encouraged to interact with peoples tapes and put them into one of 3 provided cassette players to gain an insight into the subgenre and gauge its relationship with what it has evolved from. In the second and larger room, there would be two large poster display books or aisles that could be flicked through like archive books, one of the few surviving ideas from our initial concept. The level 5 objects would then be situated on various height tables arranged in the centre of the room. The drinks table would be found against the back wall, encouraging guests to walk through and interact with the exhibition before pausing at the free bar! I feel this is a very practical and well-designed layout and is a product of good teamwork between me and peers.  

The final element I was involved in is a short social media video that went back to one of our initial ideas. The video involves a cassette tape being excavated from some dirt and cleaned off as if it is an ancient artefact found at an archaeological dig. This brings a much-needed element of humour to our social media campaign as I feel some of the other stuff we have up is a bit boring and corporate. The video was filmed today by me on my phone so therefore isn't the best of quality but a reshoot and more relevant gif and videos would be produced if our group is to be chosen tomorrow. I edited it on after effects which I haven't used since the start of the year so consequently am a bit rusty on. 

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