Wednesday 16 May 2018

Change to tracklist typography

Today I had planned to get stuck in with the screen printing, however, upon review of the design I had drafted yesterday, I decided that there was a much-needed change to be made to the typography before the screen was exposed. The current design was just using a simple Helvetica or Helvetica light as a basic reference to the simplistic sanserif faces that were often favoured in No Wave design. In a bid to further the unique nature of the design and conform to the D.I.Y aesthetic, I designed a handwritten tracklist that was then scanned in and vectorised for use on my design. The typeface itself wasn't really a typeface as none of the letters is standardised allowing for human error and inconsistency to play a part. The only rule that is used throughout is the use of the three line Basquiat E, meaning each letter must be capitalised. The end product is a highly humanist assortment that conforms to the lo-fi attitude of No Wave well. Of course, physically handwriting onto the tapes would have furthered this room for error and the human element but with two colour screen printing as a requirement, it made sense to do it this way.

Once completed this development concluded the designing for the J-card, allowing me to go off and expose the two colour separation onto my screen (bellow). This means I'm fully prepared for screen printing tomorrow and will aim to get in for around 8:30 in the hope of securing a printing bed.

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