Tuesday 15 May 2018

Apple sticker research

Fruit stickers are an element of design that we may see daily but often don't pay much attention to due to their highly functional nature. However, there is a long history of branding contained within their design which has inevitably warranted an Instagram account @fruit_stickers posting an array of primarily old school (20th centre) stickers that could provide some influence to my final designs. Considering the shape of my stickers and how they may interact with the curvature of the apple is something that I had not fully appreciated until now and how far do I stray from the blocky nature of my type and tape?

I feel like this is quite a classic, highly ergonomic label with the pull tab, basic imagery of fruit and curved top and bottom text - the miss aligned printing almost makes it for me - possibly screen printing my ideas could bring me this effect. 

Far more clean and minimalist - I included this due to its slight similarity to the New York flag, as a way of highlighting the potential for block colours within a simple design 

I don't know if this one even is a fruit label in a generic sense, however, it has a very No Wave aesthetic that is endlessly cool - perhaps I want something more deliberately tacky than cool    

This one has an effect on it as if it has been stamped on with hot wax - physically stamping a crest onto my apples could be cool but would need an extra twist so that it didn't seem pretentious

This design is incredibly simplistic and almost like a logo in the way it flows geometrically - very visually striking and although again maybe not quite right for the tone of my genre   

The Del Monte sticker and logo is iconic with a vibrant pallet that makes you think of fruit. 

Here is a sticker I found at my local shop, one of the key features I feel I should go some way to capturing is the slightly awkward combination of planes of text and typefaces used to maximise the shape of the sticker.


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