Friday 13 April 2018

Final book cover print outs

Today I printed out my final book covers in the digital print room. This really helped to visualise what the final products would look like and gave an opportunity to iron out any potential faults in the design. The covers were printed using high quality, calibrated inkjet printers onto the medium weight 186gsm matte paper roll. The final outcomes were very pleasing due to the quality of paper and ink, however printing something in such high quality inequitably allows any tiny flaws in design to gain prominence. An example of this was the overlapping typography which intentional, however I perhaps felt that I could have looked into the way each letter interacts slightly more. Another thing was the quality of one of the selected photos for the Munari cover. Due to the motion of the useless machine the figure is blurred, however in this case I feel it adds to the separation between type and image and broadens the visual planes to achieve the desired affect of slight ambiguity.

Overall I feel the designs are very successful and when folded into their book configurations they really came to life and presented the opportunity for some good photos. The photos are taken of all three book together from various angles with a bright white card underneath so as to reflect light and a sheet of newsprint, as used in the original Useless Machines style photographs. The paper and angles selected help create the desired ambience and allow me to feel a sense of completion. Often I don't get round to photographing the final outcome so at least this is a night conclusion to what has been an enjoyable second brief.

The final outcomes also received further peer appraisal, giving me some confidence in their quality.

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