Monday 16 April 2018

End of module review

I would definitely say that I have mixed feelings about this module. Having started it before christmas and only just writing this now shows how stretched and disjointed it has been, although I was very happy with the extra time that easter allowed to brush up colour and grids research. The first brief wasn't completed to, in any way, a desirable standard the first time around due to my complete apathy towards it. Right from the start of colour research I found it hard to inspire myself to work as it felt so boring and basic. However with a change of attitude towards the end of the grids week and after the break I managed to go on to complete work that I am pleased with. Finding motivation when I don't enjoy or find a brief stimulating has always been a challenge for me but I feel my response shows definite progress. In the end the research was slightly interesting, its just about not shutting down and being passive when faced with adversity. The fact that is was placed just before christmas was also possibly a contributing factor as I maybe felt too much of a sense of term completion after the 403 hand in.

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