Monday 1 April 2019

Metaplane final outcome and photoshoot

Today I conducted a photo shoot just to showcase the final garment from my collaboration with Reece. It would have been nice to arrange a proper shoot with a photography student but with the deadline approaching, this will have to be a target for the future. The shoot was primarily to document some of the features of the final product for design boards and blogs but did involve some styling with a colour appropriate pair of black suit trousers and black loafers. These gave a slight juxtaposition in terms of formality that is appropriate to the high fashion/streetwear-inspired aesthetic. We went out to shoot at dusk so that the lighting was suitably ambient and the flash picked up close-ups well. The perspective forms of the back streets with Harvey as the focal point compliment the heavy contrast of the typefaces well. A simple background pallet of either black white or half and half was used for the flash shots to highlight the features of the garment and face. The lone figure stands out against the very ordinary setting, clearly on a Metaplane.   

As modelled by the beautiful Harvey Chessells
Lighting/technical assistant, chief garment fold coordinator and head of positioning: Adam Law

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