Wednesday 13 February 2019

Typeface for Kitty research and brief

I have been commissioned by an illustration student to work on header/logotype and full typeface for a bean bag project. The beanbag will be produced by her with her illustrations incorporated and possibly the phrase 'SAD GIRLS CRYING CLUB' written in my typeface. The only stylistic guidance is that it must be italic and fairly bold.

She hasn't been too specific with the type of face she would like however has said that I could draw inspiration from corner shop price labels and signage, an intriguing start point. So today, of course, I went out around a few different shops having a look at the type of typography used and seeing how I may incorporate it into my own design. 

 Kitty showed me the page on the left as an initial guide for inspiration, however, made it clear that I do have creative freedom and the text she has written out already only indicates tone not desired form necessarily. This also gives me an indication of the desired colours so I can present some nice mockups of the finished typeface.

Brickcellphone's Underground Rap Radar

Initial research has come from a few shops around hyde park and a few google searches to build up and an idea of the desired visual language. Most of the star-shaped labels seen were hand drawn so I think an element of individual difference between characters might be desirable for the typeface. Further research came from looking at a traditional shop or fishmonger typefaces. Often very dated and serifed with some calligraphic properties. One further branch of research came from a friends project 'Offlicence Magazine or OFFIE MAG'. This project, originating from Brighton, uses exactly the kind of visual language I am being asked to tap into with this project. Drop shadows, slanted, italic and dated type. I think the indearing and homely qualities of this niche visual language are exactly what Kitty is trying to channel in her project.  

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