Thursday 24 May 2018

Module evaluation

Overall the brief has been fulfilled to a fairly thorough standard giving confidence in the quality of the work. The key benefit of this project has been the extensive time to research, which has in turn lead to a sophisticated visual narrative that strays away from the common answers and pushes the boundaries of the genre. The key to the projects success was personal interest within the music itself and an inquisitive nature to find out more. The final outcomes are pushed far enough although perhaps something more could have been done with the object. This said however, the use of new media such as screen-printing not only on paper but also fabric has been a very steep learning kerb and big achievement. Also the use of textile and hand stitching has push what is achievable within a brief and opened up new possibilities for the future that will help to broaden creative outlook and improve confidence in abilities. I feel I will now be bolder and look to take on things like screen printing more readily as I now know far more about it than I did last week. 

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