Monday 21 May 2018

Final crit of the year

Today we had a crit on all of our deliverables in preparation for our final outcomes. With the hand in fast approaching on Thursday morning, I feel fairly prepared although still need to do the design boards, get my stickers printed and potentially work out a centrepiece for the flag.

Here is the work I presented:

Over the last couple of days, the flag had been stitched together using, deliberately messy hand stitching in the identifiable cross stitching technique that I started using for editing the tea towels. The theme of using the three towels to create the New York city flag continues and I have decided against cropping the N.Y and Royal Wedding towels as this would not necessarily conform to the lo-fi aesthetic, helping retain the makeshift look I am going for. To give more of a tangible link to the original N.Y flag design I have been considering screenprinting a messy block of orange and blue over their corresponding sides however think could perhaps be too obvious and I am currently enjoying the subtlety. However, one element that I do feel needs addressing is a centrepiece within the white, middle panel, to replace the coat of arms as features on the original flag. There are a few different options for this addition including a screen print of the arms themselves with a cross over it, a circle with a cross through it done in spray paint and finally some kind of sticker or stitched emblem.
In the end, for the crit I opted for the signature NO in red tape which I had planned to add horizontally, however, I think maybe on viewing it will look better like this on only the middle panel, possibly over the top of a screen printed coat of arms. This will present a lot of work for tomorrow, but with nearly all else done, its definitely an option. Another last-minute addition was tape over Princess Diana and Prince Charles' eyes which I feel conforms to the post-punk attitude well and is a subtle link to a DNA album cover from research.         

The display of the object looked a bit miserable as inexplicably the apples I bought this morning were already showing their age! Also due to a rush on the vinyl cutter and adhesive printing, I was unable to print the stickers at lunch, which will be a welcome addition when printed tomorrow. However, I feel the concept is still strong and the addition of red tape links the components together with an attempted mixture of crosses and a sort of wave-like pattern. I am also considering making my own cardboard tray for them tomorrow, possibly to fit 6 apples of which I would have three empty slots to store tapes. I think green apples might contrast the red tape better also so I'll look into getting some of them. A design on the card or maybe a layer of tissue paper with my logotype printed on it could also be a success so will be tried tomorrow morning, however, I do feel the humble design might fit the aesthetic better.

In terms of the tapes, they remain unchanged in terms of design from the last block post and screen printing, however, they are displayed in a mixture of black and clear cases due to the problem with the grey ones being too small. I might try and present them in 3 clear plastic cases for the exhibition to give consistency, as pointed out by Ben, with the designs as eclectic as they are a minor consistency such as that could strengthen the identity.


In terms of feedback, I would describe it as overall very positive, with the main compliments being paid to the flag design. The combination and contrast of textures and materials were picked out as a key element. However, one review said that I should consider the way the towels are fastened together and perhaps conceal the stitching under red tape which is a point I take on board and have considered, however perhaps it was break up the overall flag effect too much. I have just realised that I didn't mention the links to the N.Y flag in my rationale - this is a crucial feature that most people would not pick up on. I also didn't explicitly mention the reasoning behind the apples, which was picked up on by another peer comment, however, I feel this point is slightly more obvious. People raised concerns about the apples going bad which is a good point, to be honest, but as long as they were purchased immediately before the show, I'm sure this would not be a problem. Other than that the object was well received as a unique concept. In terms of the J card, I feel this received possibly the worst reception of the three with questions raised on copyright issues and the minimal exterior. Of course, copyright issues probably could be raised if I were to commercially benefit out of any of the products, however, I feel I have done my best to obscure and adapt the work of others and my concept would not work without it - this is important for me to mention within the rationale as I did not touch on the fact No Wave is the anti-genre of New Wave.

Overall I am very happy with the results of the crit and feel confident in my designs ability to represent my chosen genre. There are certainly progressions and adaptations to be made to all elements and I feel the rationale needs to be relooked at as I have found a number of missing points. However, this should all be achievable within the final 2 days of the project providing I can crack on with design boards tonight and get in early tomorrow.

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